We Wish...
We wish we could talk with a child who has actually visited the Planet of the Dogs.
We know that adults have never been there...the dogs knew that only kids could understand them.
However, we also know that there probably haven't been any children visiting there since long, long ago when dogs were just beginning to come to planet earth to help people.
Children reading the Planet of the Dogs series often ask questions...
They want to know more about what it was like in Muttville, Biscuit Town and Shaggy Corners.
They ask about the dogfood trees and the songs that the Dogtown Chorus sang.
And they ask about how the Puppy Schools changed as more and more dogs came down to Planet Earth.
That's why the new book is coming out next year -- the Planet Of The Dogs Travel Guide
Of course, this is only a copy of the original version...the original Planet of the Dogs Travel Guide was written by the dogs and children who visited long, long ago.
To read sample chapters from the Planet of the Dogs series, please visit www.planetofthedogs.net
The Reading Tub is a force field for children's literacy, founded on the premises that, "Reading with a child is invaluable, and learning to read begins - and is reinforced - at home...reading is the single most important skill an individual can possess."
The Reading Tub "reviews books that famililes will want to share together."
They also help to make things happen..."We facilitate the process of getting books to at-risk readers. Authors/publishers donate new books to us and we then place them with nonprofits working directly with readers-in-need. These are kids who have no books at home (the #1 roadblock to becoming a successful reader) or who are failing reading benchmarks."
We are, naturally, believers in all that the Reading Tub stands for and does. Reading opens doors to the mind, doors to life, doors to the future.
There is much more to tell about the Reading Tub ( http://www.thereadingtub.com), and we will continue their story in our next blog, including their role in Share a Story--Shape a Future, A Blog Event for Literacy.
Meanwhile, we want to introduce you, in the photo, to the Founder and Executive Director of the Reading Tub, Terry Doherty, and her daughter, Catherine.
Catherine, like her Mom, enjoys books and reading...and she loves animals.
Planet of the Dogs was reviewed on the Reading Tub and I was interviewed- here is the link http://thereadingtub.com/displayAuthor.asp?id=72
We are making a summer book tour of several independent New England book stores this summer. If you are a NEIBA member, and would like us to visit your store -- with complimentary books -- please email us at barkingplanet at aol.com Barking Planet Productions home base is in Marblehead, MA. We are members of the Independent Publishers of New England (IPNE) and the Independent Book Publishers of America (IBPA). ************************************************************************************* Tails of Bella the Therapy Dog... Among her many talents, Bella visits hospitals and nursing homes on a regular basis; and, once a year, she participates in a school reading program...In April, 2009, she visited the Fitzwater Elementary School in Willowgrove, PA, as a therapy reading dog. Bella's owner, Jodi, says, "It is extremely rewarding to watch a child's eyes light up as he/she reads a book and shares their enthusiasm with a furry friend...Bella liked one of the books so much she started to lick the book...haha!" You can visit Bella at http://bellathetherapydog.com **************************************************************************************
"The average dog is a nicer person than the average person."
Andy Rooney
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